Friday, May 20, 2011


Today's healthy lunch (haha) was brought to you courtesy of Jersey Mike's!  Thanks guys!

5 19 2011 Food!

Tonight Miss Katie tried baby food for the first time.  She loved sweet potatoes! 

5.18.2011 Eat Mor Chikin'

A big thank you to one of my clients who gave me a voucher for a free Chick-fil-A sandwich!  Yum!

5.17.2011 Clouds!

The clouds looked so neat this morning!  The photo doesn't do it justice but they were so pretty!

5.16.2011 A Clean Slate (or Table)

We FINALLY got the kitchen table cleaned off (well, except for the camera bag on my work bags)!  This used to be the place we would put all our mail, papers, etc.  Not anymore!

5.15.2011 Just Hangin' with Friends. At Newks.

Cheese!  Scotty and Jace had so much fun hanging out at Newks!  We love that place!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

5.14.2011 Katie's Activity Center!

Katie is at the point now where she loves her activity center!  I am so happy!

5.13.2011 Buddies!

5.12.2011 Sun!

The photo doesn't do it justice, but the sun looked so pretty on the trees after the rain!

5.11.2011 Onward!

This is the book we are reading in our book club at work right now... it is pretty good!

5.10.2011 Miss Katie!

Scotty loves for me to put Katie in bed with him in the mornings!  Isn't she precious!

5.9.2011 They're HEEEEEERRRREEEEE!

5.8.2011 Pilot Scotty and More Air Show!!

So I didn't take this was taken at the Smyrna Air Show... but I love it!  Doesn't he look too cool for school?

Dennis and Scotty P had a great time at the Air Show with Uncle Jack, but mom, Miss Katie and I had great seats in our backyard swing (and a picnic lunch too!)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

5.7.2011 Air Show preview

Today was the air show and we got to see many of the planes fly close to our home!  I love the sound of the jets!

Monday, May 16, 2011

5.6.2011 Bend and Snap!

This is Katie's new favorite position when in her bouncy seat! 

5.5.2011 Sam!

My coworker and I always talk about Sam Champion and his parka collection.  Here is a shot of Sam!

5.4.2011 Girl's Night

Tonight mom, Katie, Tracey and I went to see Jane Eyre on the big screen!  It was a pretty good adaptation!  I love the story!

5.3.2011 I Love This Place

My Chiropracter always sets me right!  Literally!

5.2.2011 A Day That Will Live in Infamy

5.1.2011 Smells So Good!

I absolutely love honeysuckle.  The smell of it takes me back... Isn't this pretty?

4.29.2011 Much Needed!


4.28.2011 Pretty Polish!

I am embarrased as to the quality of this picture!  It was taken with my old BlackBerry!  But I do love the polish color!

4.27.2011 Barefoot in the Rain!

My son loves to go barefoot in the rain!  I love it!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

4.26.2011 Storm Damage!

Luckily, this was all the damage we had... a large branch of our Bradford Pear tree fell.  It did miss all the cars, thankfully!

4.25.2011 Tiny Bubbles!

Today Scotty and Dennis played with the bubbles from Scotty's Easter Basket!  How much fun!  They used the whole bottle! 

4.24.2011 Happy Easter!

My two angels had such a great Easter.  We went to church with Wah Wah, then went to her house and had a lovely lunch and Easter Egg Hunt! 

4.23.2011 Birds and Flowers!

This clematis is growing on our neighbor's mailbox.  It was so pretty with the little birdbath! 

4.22.2011 It's the Bombdiggity!!

Today I went to Karin's Kustard and got this delightful creation!  It is vanilla ice cream with Reese's eggs, peanut butter, hot fudge, and whipped cream!  Delish!

4.21.2011 A Furry Friend!

Today I was looking up pets for adoption online. I came across this furry cutie!  Don't you just want to take her home?!

4.20.2011 Good Morning!

On my way to work (once again with the shoddy BlackBerry camera)

4.19.2011 A Day with Wah Wah

Today Wah Wah came to stay with my little sweeties since Mrs. Tammy's was closed!  I am so thankful that she is able to spend so much time with them!  I know they all enjoy it too!

4.18.2011 My Baby Girl!

Sometimes I forget to take a photo with my camera/ camera batties died/ etc. etc. etc.  Some of these photos are taken as little snapshots from my ancient BlackBerry.  I love my baby!

4.17.2011 Pretty Flowers!

Mrs. Tammy has the prettiest flowers in her yard!  Here is a snapshot from my car looking at her front yard!  Enjoy!

4.16.2011 Pretty red shoes!

I am looking for a pair of red peep toe heels.  This is harder than you would think! The ones I have found, they don't come in my size!  These are pretty cute, what do you think?

4.15.2011 Sharing!

Scotty loves to share with Katie!  They love each other so much and I hope they will always be close!

4.14.2011 Wonder Bread!

Dennis says her sleep sack looks like Wonder Bread!  Sure does look comfy!

4.13.2011 Bloom Where You're Planted

This hosta was extra.  It was from Dennis' Nanny's hostas.  It was just set on the ground, not even planted.  Look how pretty and strong it came back!